Git context
When preparing a commit, GG draws context from the staged files in your repository. You may want to exclude certain files from this context, particularly those that aren't relevant to the commit message you're crafting. For example, build artifacts or temporary files typically don't contribute meaningful information about your code changes.
- Name
- Description
The files to exclude from the git context. Default: ["package-lock.json", "yarn.lock", "go.sum", "Pipfile.lock", "Gemfile.lock", "pom.xml", "build.gradle", "composer.lock", "Cargo.lock", "Package.resolved", "stack.yaml.lock"]
- Name
- Description
The directories to exclude from the git context. Default: ["node_modules", "vendor", "dist", "build"]
- Name
- Description
The file extensions to exclude from the git context. Default: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "ico", "svg", "pdf", "zip", "tar", "gz", "rar", "mp3", "wav", "ogg", "m4a", "mp4", "avi", "mov", "wmv", "exe", "dll", "so", "dylib", "bin", "jar", "war", "ear", "class", "pyc", "o", "a", "min.js", "min.css", "map", "pb.go", "sqlite", "db"]